Privacy policy

Considering the changes in the personal data protection law related to the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of data of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), Dz.U./Journal of Laws/ EU. L, of 2016, no. 119, p.1, hereinafter referred to as “the GDPR“, exercising your right to information pursuant to Art. 13 of the GDPR, we provide you with the content of the Controller’s information clause.

I. Personal Data

BOLARUS Spółka Akcyjna, as part of mutual business relations, processes the Personal Data provided by you, which may concern your representatives, owners or employees.

Information clause of the Personal Data Controller:

1) The Controller of the Personal Data is:

BOLARUS Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office in Bochnia at ul. Wiśnicka 12, 32-700 Bochnia, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under no. 0000130684, REGON [Polish Business Register Number] 850017324, NIP [Tax Identification Number] 868-000-03-50, hereinafter referred to as “BOLARUS

2) The legal basis for the processing of your Personal Data by BOLARUS may be:

– your freely given consent to its processing (Art. 6 sec. 1, letter a of the GDPR),

– the necessity of its processing for the purpose of performance of a contract concluded by us or of taking steps prior to its conclusion (Art. 6 sec. 1, letter b of the GDPR),

– statutory requirements arising from legal provisions binding on us (Art. 6 sec. 1, letter c of the GDPR),

– the need to protect our legitimate interests (Art. 6 sec. 1, letter d of the GDPR),

– marketing consents granted to us

3) Personal Data will be processed, for example, for the following purposes:

– concluding and performing contracts between us and providing you with services offered by us, shipping ordered goods, processing payments, handling complaints, services provided electronically (under the conditions specified in the “Terms and Conditions of the Portal”), etc.,

– fulfilling BOLARUS’ obligations under the law, including in particular the issue and storage of invoices, processing of payments, storage of invoices and accounting documents, including for archiving purposes,

– protecting the rights of BOLARUS in accordance with the law, including in particular the collection of outstanding payments as part of debt collection processes and lawsuits,

– verifying your payment credibility and creditworthiness when granting you a credit limit as well as securing payments due to BOLARUS (guarantee agreements and surety agreements as well as other collaterals), the legitimate interest of BOLARUS within the meaning of the provisions on Personal Data protection, including the marketing of BOLARUS products and services (direct marketing),

– carrying out marketing activities and sending commercial information

– performing marketing activities for entities cooperating with BOLARUS (with prior consent),

– the legitimate interest of BOLARUS within the meaning of the data protection regulations.

4) the recipients of Personal Data will exclusively be entities entitled to obtain Personal Data on the basis of legal regulations

5) BOLARUS may transfer Personal Data to the following third parties for the purposes indicated herein:

– entities with which BOLARUS has concluded a cooperation agreement, on the basis of an agreement on entrusting the processing of Personal Data, for the purpose of performance of the agreement between us, performance of BOLARUS’s obligations provided for by law, protection of BOLARUS’s rights in accordance with the provisions of law on the performance of a justified interest of BOLARUS within the meaning of the provisions on Personal Data protection; in particular, BOLARUS may transfer your Personal Data to entities such as: banks, debt collection companies, entities providing postal and courier services, companies with which we cooperate in order to provide marketing services. Such entities will be obliged under agreements concluded with BOLARUS to apply appropriate security, technical and organisational measures to protect the Personal Data and to process it only in accordance with the instructions provided by BOLARUS,

– supervisory bodies, authorities and other third parties; where this is necessary for the purposes indicated above and to fulfil obligations imposed by law, Personal Data may be transferred to supervisory bodies, courts and other authorities (e.g. tax and law enforcement authorities), independent third party advisors (e.g. auditors) or benefit providers.

6) Personal Data will be stored until the activities referred to in point 3 are completed.

7) you have the right to request BOLARUS to grant you access to your Personal Data, the right to rectify, erase or restrict processing, the right to withdraw your consent to data processing and the right to data portability

8) you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that we are processing data in violation of the GDPR

9) the provision of Personal Data is voluntary

10) BOLARUS undertakes to apply appropriate security measures, both technical and organisational, to protect your Personal Data. Personal Data will be stored by BOLARUS and/or data processors only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data are collected, to fulfil obligations under the law, for a maximum period of time to secure materials necessary for legal proceedings (including tax proceedings) and until the possible statute of limitations for claims by you and BOLARUS.

11) The IT system in which Personal Data are processed meets the requirements of the Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 29 April 2004 on the documentation of Personal Data processing and on the technical and organisational conditions which should be observed in all devices and information systems used for data processing (Dz. U. /Journal of Laws/ no. 100, item 1024).

You can contact us regarding the protection and processing of your Personal Data:

– by post, to the following address: BOLARUS S.A., ul. Wiśnicka 12, 32-700 Bochnia

– by e-mail to:

II. Cookie Files


Cookies – what are they?

Cookies are small text files sent by a server and stored on the device on which websites are viewed. They make it possible to remember information exchanged between the website and the browser. They make it possible to remember form data and page settings, operate visit counters, use surveys, remember the selected language version or order goods from online shops. Properly configured cookies are secure and allow information to be read only by the server that had created them.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies allow users to customise the pages they view. Cookies make it possible to identify visitors to a website and display content targeted at specific users. Thanks to them, the user receives fully personalised content. The storage of information sent in cookies is not associated with the collection of Personal Data or the storage of other confidential information.

Which cookies are used by our website?

Three types of cookies might be used by our website. Session cookies (temporary cookies) are files generated while browsing the website, stored until the end of the browser session. Without them, some applications or functionalities may not work properly. Persistent cookies are stored on your device when you visit the website, so that on your next visit you can be recognised and your preferences remembered. Third-party cookies make it possible to optimise marketing communication, monitor user traffic on the website and personalise content (e.g. advertising) from external sources.

How to modify my cookie settings?

The mechanism for storing and sending cookies depends on the configuration of the browser installed on the device used to browse the Internet. The automatic handling of cookies can be blocked in the settings of each browser; however, this may cause restrictions on the use of a given website.

Please find below instructions for changing the settings in the most popular search engines

a) Google Chrome

Click on the menu (the upper right corner), Settings > Show advanced settings. In the “Privacy” section, click “Content settings”. In the “Cookies” section, it is possible to change the following cookie settings:

  • Cookie removal,
  • Blocking cookies by default,
  • Allowing cookies by default,
  • Retention of cookies and website data by default until the browser is closed
  • Specifying exceptions for cookies from specific websites or domains
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0

In the browser menu (the upper right corner): Tools > Internet Options > Privacy, Webites. Use the slider to set the level, and confirm the change with “OK”

b) Mozilla Firefox

In the browser menu: Tools > Options > Privacy. Activate the Firefox field: “will use the user settings”. Cookies are activated by checking the “Accept cookies” box

c) Opera

In the browser menu: Tools > Preferences > Advanced. Cookies are activated by checking the “Cookies” box

d) Safari

In the Safari drop-down menu, select “Preferences” and click the “Safety” icon.

Here, you select the safety level in the “Accept cookie files” area.


Inspektorem Ochrony Danych w BOLARUS Spółka Akcyjna jest Maciej Migdał.

Informacje dotyczące Polityki Prywatności w BOLARUS Spółka Akcyjna. dostępne są pod linkiem: Polityka Prywatności.

Pytania dotyczące sposobu wykorzystywania przez nas Państwa danych, prosimy kierować:

  • listownie, na adres: BOLARUS S.A., ul. Wiśnicka 12, 32-700 Bochnia
  • mailowo, na adres:

Czas odpowiedzi na zgłoszone sprawy podlega pewnym ograniczeniom w celu ochrony interesu publicznego (np. zapobieganie przestępstwom lub ich wykrywanie), naszego interesu (np. zachowanie tajemnicy zawodowej) lub praw i wolności innych osób. Jeżeli skorzystają Państwo z któregokolwiek z przysługujących Państwu praw, gwarantowanych przez RODO, sprawdzimy Państwa uprawnienia w tym zakresie i odpowiemy bez zbędnej zwłoki, najpóźniej w ciągu miesiąca.